16 September 2020

Last Thursday - part 2

Then we visited a local historical site, the Mannasas Battlefield.  It was a quiet, grey day - very appropriate.


  1. Beautiful photos. Still seems so awful, inappropriate to have another monument to the Confederacy. Wonder what will happen next to the Stonewall Jackson monument. I think monuments like that belong in museums.

    1. Good question. The statue marks the spot where Jackson stood when another commander told his troops Jackson was standing there "like a stone wall." I don't quite know what to think about monuments in places where the person actually fought. But then, there is the matter of what the person fought for...

  2. manASSas (yeah, I went there)

    if I didn't know any better, I would say that was gettysburg; the battlefields look quite similar. except for the confederate statue.

    1. There are also Confed monuments at Gettysburg; the Virginia monument, for example, is a massive statue of Lee on horseback.
