03 July 2020

Home Sweet Home

Just because our pets are inanimate doesn't mean that they don't share the instincts of other members of their species.

Wombats will borrow:

Birds will nest:


  1. OMB, my grandmother had an ice bucket just like that! and I see a hamster in its reflection...

  2. And hamsters will look at their reflections and glass penguins will parade.

  3. @AM - the ice bucket is old enough to have been your grandmothers, post WWII, chrome. @MB the minute we saw the parade of penguins we had to have it - the nesting bird is a flighted bird, surprising the flighted and flightless waterfowl get along well.

  4. Oh, my grandmother had that same ice bucket! I saw one in a shop in Ann Arbor a few years ago and have been kicking myself for not buying it!
