18 October 2020

Post Election

OK, here's my theory, for what it's worth.

People get all flummoxed about what Trump will do if he loses the election. He's once again succeeded in playing the lamebrains in major media. "He won't commit to accepting the results of the election." Of course he won't! Every time he says he won't, he gets front page news and he stays in the limelight. He loves nothing more, and the coverage makes it look like what happens after the election doesn't depend on the vote but rather his whim. He loves that. It puts him at the center of things; it makes it seem that the entire fate of the country rests in his hands. That's exactly what he wants; he loves it. Not only that, but after would Biden win, at lest half the spotlight will not be on Joe, but on the Donald. People will be breathless awaiting word from him whether the election will be "valid." So pay him no heed; don't play his game. As Biden said a while ago, the government knows what to do with squatters on public property.


  1. PS - this is for you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZsFbB3lV1A

  2. Testing... I wrote a comment earlier and then Google won't let me post it...

  3. Aha, that seemed to work.

    I'm less concerned about him vacating the office than I am him actually winning again. I'm concerned that people will become complacent as they hear the polling numbers and speculate. Deja Vu Hillary... And waking up the next morning.

    Perhaps some of my concern comes from living in a very small town, that's not afraid to fly it's Trump flag.

    Some days I console myself, not with the number of Biden/Harris signs, But the lack of overt Trump signs. They're still the homes with the grand flagpole flying flags, and they raise trucks flying flags out the back...
