30 March 2007


Since there was ambiguity for some regarding what exactly mother hamster was doing in the previous post, I thought I'd try another image of motherhood. They sorta look like big hamsters... in a way... from the right angle... Oh, never mind.

28 March 2007

Happy Mothers' Day!

(First of all, if any of you let out that I indulged in human sentiment and compassion, you're all dead meat!)

In honor of Kel, Meritt, Mahala, and all the other blogger-Moms out there and all the stuff and self-sacrifice and everything they do...

Thank You!
(and NO, Mommy is NOT eating her young in this pic!)

26 March 2007

Hamster Aphorism of the Week

What cannot be anticipated cannot be controlled.
What cannot be controlled is to be feared.
Constant vigilance!

22 March 2007

Practice makes perfect...

Getting ready to rule Scotland.

20 March 2007

"Legions... Attack!"

Having just secured Fern Lea Cottage in Yorkshire as a forward base for our invasion of Scotland this summer, here we have the much-feared "The Hamster's Own" 65th All Squirrel Paratrooper Battalion on a training flight for jumping onto the moors. Let the Highlands tremble in fear!

18 March 2007

Whilst the Squirrel's away...

We've had our laboratories work up some potential stand-ins.
{insert wicked and fiendish hamster laugh here}

13 March 2007

Hamster Aphorism of the Week

"Life is hard, but at least it's half over."

09 March 2007

M' Lords, Ladies, and Gentlepersons...

We present to you, His Serene Grace,
the Archplatypus!

Howdy again!
(protocol requires you to stand and salute this time)

06 March 2007

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaack!

Yes, your beloved despot has resumed duties for his blog. Yes, you have my permission to rejoice with transports of unparalleled glee. Let me also thank my good and faithful subject, Lanfranc the Platypus for his exemplary service whilst I was attending to other matters. In recognition of this service, we create him
Archplatypus of the Imperial Hamster Realms

with all the rights and privileges attached thereunto (as soon as we figure out what exactly the rights and privileges attached to an Archplatypus are).

Now... back to business. In order to keep you all edified and entertained, we are starting a new feature here on WickedHamster:

The WickedHamster Aphorism of the Week!

From time to time, maybe like once a week, we will share some of our nuggets of wisdom by which we have become the modern, successful global tyrant we are, in the hope that you will find them improving. The aphorism for this week:

We so often forget that surprises in our lives
can be pleasant and joyful....
There's a reason for that.

01 March 2007


The Majordomo and Arch-Chamberlain read Kel's comment on the previous post, and thought he might post a picture of him with his staff.