23 June 2020

A Report on Yesterday

Yesterday was a nice self-care day.  I went in for a mani/pedi and, after applying hand sanitizer, having my temperature taken, and signing a waiver, I settled down for a relaxing time in the massage chair behind a Plexiglas screen.  I usually don't notice the music playing in the salon much, but this time a recording of "Tell Laura I Love Her" and "Lonely Is the Man without Love" playing on electronically-enhanced Asian instruments was difficult not to notice.  I did leave refreshed.  I hit Target for ankle length white socks to wear around the house so that the tops of my feet and my ankles don't itch (don't ask; I haven't a clue).  The result, I am delighted to say, is that I now have only one type of ankle-length white socks in my drawer; that will make putting laundry away much easier.  On my way to the check-out, I happened upon pot holders of the type we are currently using, which will now replace the sadly stained ones at home.  And I finally got a pair of sunglasses that fit my head properly.  What a rapturous day indeed!  It was also a gorgeous day to look at.  I say "look at" because it was like 93º with DC's famous death-dealing humidity.  The day was best enjoyed inside an air-conditioned vehicle, which is what I did on a nice little jaunt down the George Washington Parkway along the Potomac to the Mt. Vernon circle and back.  Oh, and I picked up some nice-looking Brussels sprouts at the grocery.  So how was y'alls day?


  1. ooooh, I'm jealous! I went to work.

  2. All while I slaved away over a hot computer. 37 months 8 days.

  3. Those are some nice Brussel sprouts!

    I scheduled my colonoscopy, and sort and filed my plant tags, so a fairly productive day here too.

  4. I love days like that. Except for the pedicure. I've never had a pedicure, but have been giving it serious thought. Just don't know where to go. Lots of choices, but all those in the neighborhood have chairs completely visible to passersby. No thanks. Then I figure they'll want to polish my toe nails and I don't know if I could cope. I have lately had an itchy inner ankle on my left foot. Drives me crazy at times. I DO love good Brussels sprouts. We had some the other night that were perfection.
