22 September 2006

The Hamster Lair - part 2

Continuing with our tour...
There is one piece of furniture I do require: a nice, big, fluffy bed. I just love a nice, big, fluffy bed!Oh yes... Here's my desk in the ceremonial office. Like I said in a previous post, the decor's a little busy.
I wanted to make sure I put in some shots of the back yard for Kel.
The Penguin Pool, for visiting flightless fowl.
As you can see Squirrel, there's lots of trees. Wait a minute... what's that rustling out there on the lawn???
I might have known... Hey, put those down! Those are my nuts. No embezzling government property!Y'all come back now, hear!


  1. What, no pictures of the Auto storage area?

    We can not leave the fleet out in the weather.

  2. oh, the garden is lovely . . .

    and you look so regal sitting on your throne ;)

  3. Oh why thank you! But, in honesty, I should tell you that's just my TV chair.

  4. So sorry, the Mrs. forgot to pack my Rocky the Flying Squirrel lunch pail today.
