04 April 2008

A new courtier

We have a new arrival at court! A charming and courteous marmot apparently from somewhere out west, eager to be of service to Our Imperial Rodentine Person.
I'm certain he's of sterling character and will prove loyal and devoted. Still, where he actually came from and how he came here appears to be a bit of a mystery. Likely I'm just a little paranoid. Most despots are, ya know...


  1. yeah, just a bit paranoid - that's all it is I'm sure

  2. I'm a little tiny bit confused.


  3. he looks a bit suspicious to me -

    beady little eyes and all

    oh, wait, sorry Sir

  4. Mer - A certain youngin' from a certain part of the Northwest has decided to engage in a global power struggle with everyone's favorite despot. See http://sabrefoilepee.blogspot.com/

  5. We have one of these on our toilet...sorry, loo. It wolfwhistles when you stand or sit in front of it.
    (Makes me laugh)
