13 April 2009

Post-Easter Musings #1

For some reason, with Easter this year, I began to notice some really quite odd happenings that take place in connection with the event. So, being Wicked and all, I thought I'd run a little series on the peculiarities I came across.

Let's start with a curious picture of some folk from one of the penitents' societies common in Hispanic culture:Hey, whatever floats your boat and all. But what is the purpose of taking a picture of people you can't even recognise? "That's aunt Mildred, second from left, under the sheet; and that's little Bobby on the right, under the sheet, isn't he cute and he's grown so much over the past year! And that's..." I mean, really, what's the point?


  1. And such a wonderful PoMo self-referential thing... posting a photo of someone taking a photo.

    You're sure this wasn't taken in Kentucky?

    Someone :-)

  2. Not Kentucky. The crosses are stitched on their outfits, not burning in front of them.

  3. Maybe the person taking the picture thought they were taking a photo of a KKK meeting.
