01 September 2020

Bewildering Relatives

Some fun facts to know and tell:

My father's name was Ed and my mother's Lil.  My father's sister, also named Lil, married a man also named Ed.  It was no problem for me and my brothers, and for the children of the other Lil & Ed, but all the other cousins always had to specify which Aunt Lil and Uncle Ed they were speaking about.

On my mother's side, her sister Ann married a man named Pete, and her brother John married Pete's sister Maggie; a brother and sister married a sister and a brother.  I am, therefore, related to numerous cousins on that side in two different degrees, first cousins are at the same time first cousins once removed, or some such.

Also on my mother's side, a certain trait runs through the family: we have trouble distinguishing right from left and are somewhat ambidextrous (I write with my right and eat with my left).  I'm the only one in my immediate family that has it.  A few cousins have it, and a couple of them took the Mensa test and passed.  I never did, but it does appear that genius, so to speak, runs in my family.


  1. Better genius than insanity.

  2. hmmm...my maternal grandparents both grew up with many siblings (more than 5). their 3 children had zero (my gay uncle)/2 (my mother)/4 (my aunt) kids. I have zero children, my sister has 1.

    left-hand writing was/is practiced by my uncle, my sister, my oldest cousin. my uncle and my sister was/are also highly intelligent.

    me, I just waddle along and have done just fine with my life.

  3. Hmmm... sounds like SOMETHING runs in the family! SG has a family tree that sounds a lot like that. "Now is this Mary's first, second, or third husband John? And is that Mary my cousin Mary or the second husband's first wife Mary?"
