26 February 2021

Scenes from the Plague Year

Got my first dose of the Pfizer. Took 30 min from the time I stepped in line to getting the jab, not bad considering the volume of people (c. 2 million population in an area where practically no one rejects getting the vax). Through the modern miracle of computers, I got an on-line notice to choose a date and time for shot #2 as soon as my first shot was logged in. Very well-organized and efficient, with the place brimming with all sorts of helpful people. There's a quiet game of one-upsmanship played by some, including me, in NoVa - usually involving college t-shirts or other signs of prestige worn in swarming public places (vaccination centers, Trader Joe's, etc.)  I wore a Duke t-shirt, only to find the guy behind me wearing an International Atomic Energy Agency baseball cap. Curses, foiled again! (And I couldn't resist taking a photo of the lovely marble tiles in the men's room.)




  1. we are still waiting for our shot from the county; no vaccines available. probably april or may before we get "pricked".

  2. So pleased for you and happy to hear how well-organized things were. I'm glad I'm not there, however, I have nothing to wear.

    I, too, have taken pictures of toilet tile!

    1. "I, too, have taken pictures of toilet tile!" I knew there was a reason I liked you, aside from your good looks...
