26 August 2020

Bob's University

Here, Little Bob is delivering a lecture on "Travel as Essential to the Cultural Development of Today's Cosmopolitan Penguin."  You see that he has invited a guest speaker as well, Connor the little Irish sheep.

You may notice standing in the back Ominous, the scary little blackbird.  He's a grad student at Bob's University of Advanced Penguinity & Comparative Avian Studies, of which Little Bob serves as vice-chancellor and chair of the Dept. of French and Francophone Studies.  Indeed, LB is quite well known in France.  Below is a pic of him being introduced to the press corps at the Elysée Palace (look carefully; he's not very tall you know).

Here is an official portrait of Bob himself in his regalia as Arch-Chancellor and Rector Magnificus of the university.


  1. lil bob sure gets around! bet he knows how to speak many languages (unlike melanoma dump). and what a handsome penguin!

  2. Hilarious. And Rector Magnificus sounds a bit ... well ...

    1. That's the actual title of the heads of pontifical universities, and many Italian secular universities. Which, of course, doesn't mean it's not "a bit... well...".

  3. Imagine all the fun we can have with things like this in retirement.
